A swimming pool pump has a simple function: to circulate the water in the pool’s hydraulic network to pass it through the filter, thereby treating it.
The filtration pump is the central element of your swimming pool's hydraulic network: by making water circulate within this network, it enables it to be filtered, while also treating it and keeping it healthy for bathers.
Regulations on disinfectant products: help or hindrance for swimming pools?
Advice and ideas
The Biocidal Products Regulation is a European regulation, the main objective of which is to improve the free movement of biocidal products while guaranteeing a high level of protection for human, animal and environmental health.
Pressure drops in a swimming pool’s hydraulic system
Advice and ideas
Pressure drop is a phenomenon experienced when water progresses through a circuit. It is essential to factor it in when designing a pool’s hydraulic network, to ensure proper water filtration and efficient operation of the pool.
The European Green Deal a growth strategy that “aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050...
The variable-speed pump: the essential component of a smart and sustainable pool
Advice and ideas
The variable-speed pump, or VS pump, first appeared on the market some fifteen years ago and its use has become progressively widespread amongst swimming pool owners.
A pool equipped with equipment which is easy to use, reliable and durable, suitable for operating effectively, continuously and autonomously , which is resource-efficient (in terms of energy, water and products) and has low environmental impact.
Eco-design: the essential prerequisite for a smart and sustainable pool
Advice and ideas
From the product's creation to the end of its life cycle, eco-design is a preventive and innovating approach aimed at limiting the negative environmental impact of a product, service or building throughout its life cycle, while retaining its functional qualities.
Cartridge filters for more smart and sustainable filtration
Advice and ideas
The cartridge filter is a piece of pool equipment that is not well known, to the extent that less than 20% of pools in France feature one. Discover it!